Landscape Picture Map - Lesson 3 (K-3)

Natural and People-Made Features


The students will learn that places on the Earth have natural and people-made characteristics.
The students will identify natural and people-made characteristics on the Landscape Picture Map


People-made features, natural features

Materials Needed

Landscape Picture Map, map marker, post-it-notes


Tell the students that places are like people; they are all different. No two people are exactly alike and no two places are exactly alike. When we study people we sometimes put them into groups. An example of two groups would be girls and boys.

Tell the students that places and objects on the Earth's surface may also be put in two groups. These two groups are people-made features and natural features. A people-made feature is something that is made by people. Examples would be cars, buildings, and streets. Natural features are those features not made by people. Examples would be trees, mountains, and rivers.

Write the words people-made and natural on the board. Each term should serve as a heading for a list. Ask the students to describe things they have seen that are people made. Add each term to your list. Follow the same procedure for natural features.

Pull down the Landscape Picture Map. Have different students identify the natural features they find. As the students identify the natural features, ask them to tell whether the feature is a land or water feature. Encourage the students to describe the features.

Follow the same procedure for the people-made features. Have different students identify the people-made features on the map. Encourage the students to describe these features.

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