This aero-view print of Washington, Pennsylvania was drawn by Thaddeus Mortimer Fowler and published by T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer in 1897. Washington was established along the National Road, thirty miles southwest of Pittsburgh, in the late 1700's.
Washington was incorporated as a borough in 1810. It is the county seat of Washington County. An early landowner in Washington was steamboat inventor Robert Fulton.
Washington & Jefferson College was formed in Washington in 1865 from two competing colleges, Jefferson of Canonsburg and the college at Washington. The college, that emphasizes the study of liberal arts and sciences, still functions today.
Washington was found to contain valuable veins of bituminous coal which in the late 1800's were harvested vigorously. Washington was a manufacturing center for the glass making industry in the 1800's.
The map from 1897 includes labeled streets, buildings, oil wells and railroad routes.
Features numbered & lettered references to the following locations: 1. Washington & Jefferson College. 2. Trinity Hall. 3. Public Schools. 4. Court House. 5. Hotel Main. D. H. Goodwin, Proprietor. 6. Allison House. J. C. Morrow, Proprietor. 7. Auld House. J. H. Taylor, Proprietor. 8. The Washington Carbon Co. 9. Atlas Glass Co. 10. Geo. Duncan Sons Co. Glass Works. 12. Novelty Glass Works, Ltd. 13. Cathedral Glass Co. 14. Washington Glass Mfrs. 15. Hazel Glass Co. 16. The Tyler Tube & Pipe Co. 17. Planing Mill & Lumber Yard. W. Forgie, Proprietor. 18. Foundry & Machine Shop. W. Forgie, Proprietor. 19. Petroleum Iron Works. 20. Washington Ice Plant. 21. Steam Laundry. R. F. Stevenson, Proprietor. 22. Carriage Works. J. Dallas Jackson, Proprietor. 23. Machine Shop. Geo. W. Rose, Proprietor. 24. Drilling & Fishing Works. Devin & McClure, Proprietors. 25. Washington Brewery. Henry Zelt, Proprietor. 26. Flouring Mills. Zelt Bros., Proprietors. 27. Northrup Machine Shop & Foundry. 28. Roller Flouring Mill. S. Gantz & Son, Proprietors. 29. Sucker Rod Factory. Gideon Chapman, Proprietor. 30. Washington Steel & Tin Plate Mill. 31. Electric Light & Power Plant. 32. B. & O. R. R. Station. 33. W. & W. R. R. Station. 34. P. C. C. & St. L. R. R. Station. A. Catholic Church. B. First M. E. Church. C. Jefferson Ave. M. E. Church. D. W. Washington M. E. Church. E. M. P. Church. F. First Presbyterian Church. G. Second Presbyterian Church. H. Third Presbyterian Church. I. First U. P. Church. J. Second U. P. Church. K. Third U. P. Church. L. First Baptist Church. M. Episcopal Church. N. Christian Church. O. First E. V. Lutheran Church. P. Jewish Church. Q. P. E. Mission Church. R. Zion Methodist Church. S. Nazareth Baptist Church. T. St. Paul A. M. E. Church. U. Seventh Day Advent Church. |