This beautiful map of California features a detailed list for cyclists, noting road conditions and grades, as well as many advertisements for cycling related products in the late 1800's. Complete reference list below.
Features numbered references to the following locations:
1. Columbus Buggy Co, General Agents. 213-215 Market St, San Francisco ; 362-366 Twelfth St, Oakland. The 3 Leaders: The Columbus Buggy Co's Bicycles, The Spalding, The Credena.
2. Fenton - "Is the best too good for you! The Blue Crown Fenton is a Leader". W. R. Evans, State Agent ; 1021 Market St, S.F.
3. The Park Cyclery, Large Riding School. Renting and Repairing, Terminus of the McAllister, Powell and Geary St, Car Lines.
4. Helical Tube Primers - Strongest and Lightest. "No other manufacturer can use the Helical tube. The only wheel backed by Impartial tests of the Ordinance Department U.S. Government. See Government tests printed on our catalog. American made throughout." - Premier Cycle Co., Depot, Salesroom & Cyclery, 312-314 Baker St, East Entrance Panhandle of Park.
5. "Ride Lovell Diamond Bicycles" - Golden West, San Francisco Special, Cal. Special Diamond 1896.
6. Si-Ko-Lene, The Best Lubricant on Earth for Cycle Chains...Try It!" - "Jesco" Chain Lubricant, Joe E. Shearer and Co, Props. Joe E. Shearer, Inventor of Si-Ko-Lene.
7. The March - Davis Cycle Co. "The Speedy Pink and Blue", "The Re-Inforced Felloes." J. G. French, Pacific Coast Manager. W.B. Fawcett, Retail Manager ; 739 Market St, San Francisco, Cal.
8. The Wheelery Tribune Bicycles - Renting, Repairing and Riding School. C.M Christopher, Sole Agent ; 419 Stanyan St - San Francisco.
9. "Union Crackajack" Crackajacks-Ride "Unions". "Light. Strong. Durable. Handsome. Have you seen the Barnes Special - Its a beauty there's no mistake. The Barnes are white fellows. The frame connections are not visible; No visible clamps or bolts to fasten handle bars and seat post. This is the latest." ; Hooker & Co., 16 & 18 Drumm St., San Francisco.
10. C. S. Potter & Co. Pacific Coast Agents for Halladay, Wolff, Sylph & Overland Bicycles. "Jobbers in High and Medium Grade Wheels, Bicycle Clothing and Sundries, Marion Wood Rims, Clincher Hose Pipe Tires for '96" ; 511 Market St, San Francisco.
11. Cooper Cycle Co., City Agents. Renting, Repairing and Riding School. "They ride 'White Flyers' Barnes' Special." Cor. Bush and Devisadero Sts., San Francisco, Cal.
12. Overman Wheel Co. Makers. The Victor Bicycle - "If you ride, why not ride the best." Oakland and Los Angeles.
13. St. James Hotel, San Jose, Cal. Official League Hotel. Regular Rates, $2.00 to $3.00 Per Day. Rates to Cyclers, $2.00 Day. Tyler Beach, Proprietor, Geo. H. Beach, Manager.
14. Deere Implement Co., "National" and "Deere" Bicycles ; 305-307 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
15. Thos. E. Kent for Bicycle Clothing. 597 Mission St, San Francisco.