Historic Map - Fitchburg, MA - 1915

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View of Fitchburg, Worcester County, M.A., 1915 / drawn & published by T. M. Fowler.

This bird’s-eye view print of Fitchburg, Massachusetts was drawn by Thaddeus Mortimer Fowler and published by Hughes & Bailey in 1915. Fitchburg began as an agricultural and horticultural community situated beside the Nashua River.

The river became a great power source in the 1800's as industries began to emerge. Industries of Fitchburg included paper mills, textile mills, firearms makers and clothing manufacturers. Granite was harvested aggressively at Rollstone Hill. The granite quarried here was used in the making of doorsteps and bridge supports, and could be purchased directly at the quarry.

Fitchburg prospered greatly with the building of the Hoosac Tunnel and a direct railway line through the Hoosac Mountain range tunnel to Boston.

The map shows labeled streets, waterways, bridges, buildings and railroad routes. There are border illustrations of the following:

• Post Office.
• Wallace Public Library.
• Historical Society.
• High School.
• State Normal School.
• Y. M. C. A. Building.
• Congregational Church.
• City Hall.
• County Court House.
• Central Fire Station.
• Catholic Church.
• Fay Club.
• Burbank Hospital.
• M. V. M. Armory.
• Bijou Theatre.
• Daily Raivaaja.
• Fitchburg Sentinel.
• Putnam Machine Co.
• Fitchburg Paper Co. Upper Mill.
• Parkhill Manufacturing Company Mills.
• Louis DeJonge Co.
• Shirreff’s Worsted Co.
• C. H. Cowdrey Machine Works.
• Wm. A. Hardy & Sons Co.
• The G. M. Parks Co.
• The Jennison Co.
• Diadem Mfg. Co.
• Fitchburg Enamel Works.
• S. G. Cushing & Son.
• Fitchburg Savings Bank.
• Fitchburg Bank & Trust Co.
• Worcester North Savings Institution.
• Fitchburg Co-operative Bank.
• Fitchburg Gas & Electric Light Co.
• J. Cushing & Co.
• Lowe Bros. Co.
• Brown Bag Filling Machine Co.
• F. G. Perry.
• Ford & Lyon.
• Crescent Bottling Co.
• Angelo Seretto Co.
• O. E. Bickford.
• S. J. Lecer.
• J. H. Holland.
• John Moran.

Features references to the following locations:

American House, The. L. J. Buckley, Proprietor. 299 Main St. Opp. R. R. Station.
Allen, Frank P. & Son. Cigar Store and Billiard Parlor. 854 Main St.
Arden Mills. G. S. Cogswell, Agt. 360 Water St.
Armour & Company. Packers. 35 Cushing St.
Baker & Baker. Attorneys and Counselors at Law. 327 Main St.
Bailey, John L. Ye House of Candies. 675 Main St.
Ballou, H. F. Carpenter and Builder. 63 Green St.
Bay State Drug Co., Inc. Alcide J. Girouard, Reg. Pharmacist. 168 Fairmount St.
Belliveau, W. M. Liquor Dealer. 115 Fairmount St.
Bessette, Wilfrid A. Cigar Mfr. Pool Room. Smokers’ Articles. 191 Fairmount St.
Bickford Garage. O. E. Bickford, Proprietor. Auto, Hack and Baggage Transfer Service. 231 Main St.
Blanchard, J. B. New and Second-Hand Furniture. 797 Main St.
Bolvin, Bernard A. Expert Watchmaker. 266 Main St.
Bolles, Herbert H. Undertaker. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director.
Brown Bag Filling Machine Company, The. Mfrs. Screw Machine Products. 10 Main St.
Brown’s Enamel Works, Inc. 28 East St.
Bruce-Heustis Electric Co. Electrical Contractors. 5 and 7 Oliver St.
Bullock, W. S. Deputy Sheriff, Worcester County. 410 Main St.
Burdo, L. D. Groceries, Fine Creamery Butter, Meats and Provisions. 249-251 River St.
Cadmean Print, The. Typographical Engineers. 15 Oliver St.
Chamberlain-Huntress Co. Dry Goods. 332-340 Main St.
Cleghorn Family Wine Store. Frank P. Allen. Family Trade a Specialty. Wholesale and Retail Liquors. 176 Fairmount St.
Cote, Andre A. Apothecary and Chemist. 214 Fairmount St.
Cowdry Machine Works, C. H. Est. 1875. Government Contractors, Machinists, Contractors, Builders and Designers, Special Machinery. Rear 20 Main St.
Crescent Bottling Co., Inc. Importers and Distributors of Fine Wines, Liquors, Ales and Lager. 7 Lunenburg St.
Cross, C. A. & Co., Inc. Wholesale Grocers. 21 Broad St.
Cruickshank’s North Street Bakery. 36-38 Broad St.
Cushing, Arthur W. 109 Prichard St.
Cushing, J. & Co. Millers and Shippers, Grain, Flour, Feed, Hay, Poultry Foods. Est. 1866. 23 Cushing St.
Cushing, S. G. & Son. Est. 1875. Variety Wood Turners. 21 Culley St.
Davis, Walter A. City Clerk. City Hall.
Deane Machine Co., H. C. 53 Water St.
Dejonge Co., Louis, Paper Mfrs. Cleghorn St.
DeRoach, Van F. General Contractor. 69 Myrtle Ave.
Diadem Mfg. Co. Mfrs. of Celluloid Novelties. 114 Lunenburg St.
Donelly, Rev. J. J. Pastor St. Bernard’s R. C. Church.
Downs Printing Co., H. M. 93 Main St.
Drew-Haynes Machine Co. Garage, Auto Supplies and Special Machinery. 54 Lunenburg St.
Drury, F. L. & Sons. Grocers. 325 Main St.
Eaton, Perley R. Lumber Company. Successor to Perley Eaton. Wholesale Lumber Merchants. 280 Main St.
Eddy, Frank H. Supt. B. & M. R. R. Car Shops. Res. 26 Hancock St.
Edwards Slate Co., William. Fred H. Dudley, Proprietor. Roofers. 83 Water St.
Faxon, Ayer & Smith. General Insurance. 520 Main St., Iver Johnson Bldg.
Fitchburg Auto Express. Parcel Delivery. J. Shea, Proprietor. Rear Fitchburg Hotel.
Fitchburg Baking Co. Grocers. Hotels and Restaurants Supplied. 7 and 9 Circle St.
Fitchburg Bank and Trust Co. 306 and 745 Main St.
Fitchburg Board of Trade and Merchants’ Association. 560 Main St.
Fitchburg Business College. 336 Main St.
Fitchburg Co-operative Bank. J. F. Fisher, Pres., E. Bailey, Vice-Pres., W. M. Allen, Treas. 298 Main St.
Fitchburg Daily News. 15 Oliver St.
Fitchburg Duck Mills. Thos. C. Sheldon, Treas. Duck Mill Road.
Fitchburg Enamel Company. Practical Enamelers of Wood. 37 Culley St.
Fitchburg Gas & Electric Light Co. 537 Main St.
Fitchburg & Leominster St. Rwy. Waiting Room Lunches, Cigars and Tobacco. 274 Main St.
Fitchburg Machine Works. 64 Main St.
Fitchburg Paper Co. 804 Main St.
Fitchburg Public Library. G. E. Nutting, Librarian. 610 Main St.
Fitchburg Public Market. C. H. Watson, Proprietor. 1058 to 1068 Main St.
Fitchburg Remnant Store. John W. Caldwell, Proprietor. 750 Main St.
Fitchburg Savings Bank, The. 745 Main St.
Fitchburg Top Roll Covering Company. Top Roll and Clearer Coverers, Belt Repairing, Cot Making a Specialty. 80 Congress St.
Fitchburg Welding and Construction Co. Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Steel Cutting, Mfrs. of Del-Lam Radiator Curtain. 95 Water St.
Flynn, Charles T. Attorney and Counselor at Law. 280 Main St.
Ford & Lyon. Garage Service. Prichard and Elm Sts.
Gates, Mason E. Electric Contractor and Supplies. 195 Fairmount St.
Gaudreau & Co., R. J. High-Grade Welding. 10 Main St.
Grant Yarn Company. Combed Cotton Yarns and Warps. Kimball and Daniels.
Hardy & Sons Co., William A. Brass Founders. 113 Water St.
Harley, Daniel. Foreign and Domestic Dry and Fancy Goods. Main and Oliver Sts.
Hart, P. J. Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work. Central and Elm Sts.
Hayes Drug Co. John F. Hayes, Proprietor. 283 Main St. and 27 Westminster St.
Holland, Joseph A. Merchant Tailor. 355 Main St.
Holland, J. H. Wood, Coal and Baled Hay. Wood Yard, 446 Water St. Coal Yard, rear 32 Bemis Rd.
Hotel Raymond. J. Raymond Dwyer, Proprietor. 35-41 Day St.
Hosmer, John R. Builder. 105 Blossom St.
Imperial Café. D. W. Teehan, Proprietor. Moran Square.
Jennison Co. Plumbers, Steam Fitters, Sheet Metal Workers. Putnam and Laurel Sts.
Johnston, Alexander. Pattern and Model Maker. 21 Myrtle Ave.
Johnson Pneu-Metal Tire Co. F. I. Johnson, Pres. and Mgr. 53 Water St.
Kenney, Charles H. Caterer and Grocer. 671 Main St.
Larkin, M. C. Sale and Livery Stable. 53 Prichard St.
Lane, F. H., Co. 530 Main St.
Leger, S. L. Carpenter and Builder. 493 Water St.
Leroux, Frederick. 158 Fairmount Ave.
Letter Shop, The. Stenography, Typewriting, Multigraphing. Room 12, Drury Block, 327 Main St.
Lowe Brothers Company. Swift’s Dressed Beef, Provisions, Produce. 10 Cushing St.
Lyons, Davis & Co. Retailers of the Best in Men’s Wear. 349 Main St.
Mahar Brothers. Mfrs. of Brooms and Brushes. Rear 20 Main St.
MacDonald & MacCracken. Coal, Wood, Coke. First and Railroad Sts. Branch Office, 30 Main St.
Michon’s Studio. 371 Main St.
Moeckel, C. W. Florist. 17 Summer St.
Moran, John. Contractor. Moran Bldgs., 1 Lunenburg St., Moran Square.
Morrill, G. F. Official Photographer. Bijou Theater. 327 Main St.
Morris, Irvin G. Stationer, Picture Framing. 15 Blossom St.
Morrison, William J. Real Estate and Business Opportunities, Life, Fire, Health and Accident Insurance. 336 Main St.
Mossman Wood Turning Co., The. Mfrs. of Turned Wood. Gillis and Summer Sts.
Moussier, Rev. Joseph. Pastor St. Joseph’s French Roman Catholic Church. Woodland St.
Nathan, S. M. Jeweler and Optician, Expert Watch Repairing. 471 Main St.
New England Toy Company. J. P. Barrett, Mgr. Toys, Novelties, Games. 182 Lunenburg St.
Nonpareil Manufacturing Co. Infants’, Children’s and Misses Dresses, Rompers and Boys’ Wash Suits. 10 Main St.
Normandin, Joseph. Wood and Coal, Teaming. 132 Fairmount St.
North Star Printing Company. 811 Main St.
O’Connor, Charles T., Electric Co. Electric Construction and Wiring. 974 Main St.
Padula Co., The J. A. Bakers, Agents for Reliable Flour Mills, Dealers in Coal. 263 Water St.
Page, Frank D. City Auditor. City Hall.
Page, H. W. Res. 24 Warren St.
Parker, Bateman & Chase. Civil Engineers. 470 Main St.
Parkhill Mfg. Co. River St., Mill C., Rollstone St., Mills A and B.
Parkhurst, F. L. Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. 351 Main St.
Parks, G. M. Co., The. Piping Engineers and Contractors. 970 Main St.
Pierce & Co., Ltd., Silas. Wholesale Grocers. Broad and Putnam Sts.
Perry, Frank G. Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, P. P. Stewart Stoves and Heaters, Magee Ranges. 79 and 81 Main St.
Phelan, James J. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 156 Water St.
Porter & Son, A. S. General Roofing and Materials, Gravel Roofing a Specialty, Sparham Cement Roofing. Storage Warerooms, 137 Lunenburg St.
Putnam, William S. Insurance. 280 Main St.
Putnam Machine Co. Mfrs. Railway and Machine Tools. Newton Pl.
Putney, W. E. Insurance. 355 Main St.
Raivaaja Publishing Co., The (Daily). 48 Wallace Ave.
Rand, Fred A. Meats and Groceries. 25 Lunenburg St.
Redfern, Ralph D. Sec. Board of Trade and Merchants’ Association. Res. 82 Blossom St.
Rice, E. H. Wholesale Produce. 83 Water St.
Robinson, D. A. Real Estate and Insurance. 280 Main St.
Roddy, Henry H. 14 Main St.
Roux, A. L. Fine Hand-Made Harnesses, Livery Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases and Fine Leather Goods. 133 Main St.
Sanderson, Arthur M. Policeman. 4 Orange St.
Saunders, Ernest T. Real Estate Agent, Commission Broker and Appraiser. 103 Myrtle Ave.
Seidel’s Superior Bakery. 9 Blossom St.
Sentinel Printing Company. Publishers Fitchburg Daily Sentinel. 808 Main St.
Seretto Co. Inc., Angelo. Bankers, Real Estate Dealers. 223-225 Water St.
Shirreffs Worsted Company. George R. Wallace, Pres., John Shireffs, Treas. Rose and Sheridan Sts.
Simonds File Company. A. F. Culley, Treas. Falulah Rd.
Smith, A. C. Real Estate and Mortgages. 470 Main St.
Snow Flake Axle Grease Co. W. B. Clifford, Treas. 250 Cleghorn St.
Squire & Company, John P. Geo. F. Nugent, Mgr. Pure Food Products. 85 Water St.
State Normal School. Pearl and North Sts.
Sutton, D. E. Bottler and All Kinds of Carbonated Drinks. 25 Myrtle Ave.
Union Foundry Co. R. M. Cheney, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Rear 126 Water St.
Wallace, R. Jr. Fitchburg Paper Co. 804 Main St.
Webber, F. G. Real Estate and Mortgages. 470 Main St.
Weston, Stephen. Sign and Ornamental Painter. North and Cherry Sts.
Wheelwright Paper Co., Geo. W. Wm. B. Page, Agt. 4th St.
Whooley & Co., D. J. Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating. 56-58 Day St.
Whitney, Mrs. Andrew. Real Estate Office. 304 Blossom St.
Whitney, George A. Real Estate. 410 Main St.
Wilder, C. W. Wood Turning Lathes. 191 South St.
Wiley & Foss. Masons and Builders. Central and Brook Sts.
Wilson, W. P. Real Estate, Accident and Health Insurance. 490 Main St.
Wood, Van Rensslaer. Contractor and Builder. 617 N. Main St., Leominster.
Worcester North Savings Institution. 300 Main St.


Archive Paper

Archive Paper

Premium fine art paper that provides accurate color reproduction with high-contrast, high-resolution print output and maximum image permanence. A high-quality print ready for framing.

  • Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
  • Ultra smooth, neutral white matte finish.
  • Heavy-weight 230 gsm, 9.5 mil thickness.
  • Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Luster Photo Paper

Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.

  • Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
  • Printed using very high resolution source files.
  • Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.

Canvas on Wood Rails

Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
  • USA sourced solid maple wood.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Canvas Gallery Wrap

Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
  • Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.
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Made In The USA

Our wall map products are designed and printed on demand by our small team in Seattle, WA using high quality materials and fine art giclee printing.
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