Historic Map - Manchester, CT - 1914

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Aero view of Manchester, Connecticut 1914.

A bird's-eye view of Manchester, CT, published by Hughes & Bailey in 1914. Progress is evident in the community of Manchester at the time this map was created. Airplanes are seen in the skies above and there is mention of automobiles and even motorcycles in the list of referenced places. An inset illustration of the Cheney Brothers Silk Mills is shown, now part of the Cheney Brothers Historic District, a National Historic Landmark. Also shown and referenced is the E. E. Hilliard Woolen Mills, founded in 1780 by Aaron Buckland, still in operation and the oldest woolen mill site in the nation. Complete reference list below.

Inset illustrations include:

Manchester Trust Co., Savings Bank of Manchester
Hall of Records
Cheney Bros., Office
Cheney Hall
Lincoln School
Washington School
High School
Barnard School
Eighth District School
Catholic Church
Congregational Church
Fire Dept. Building
Herald Printing Co.
The J. W. Hale Co.
C. E. House & Son, Inc.
Watkins Brothers, Inc.
G. W. Smith
Nelson's Pharmacy, I. O. O. F. Building
Ferris Brothers
The Orford Hotel
G. E. Keith Furniture Co.
J. H. Quinn
Glenney & Hultman
Oliver F. Toop
Johnson Block
Case Brothers, Inc.
The Bon Ami Co.
The E. E. Hilliard Co.
Carlyle Johnson Machine Co.
Cheney Brothers, Manufacturers of Cheney Silks
Hackett Brothers
W. E. Hubbard
Stewart Dillon
Manchester Wall Paper Co.
Mrs. O. D. Miner
A. Willard Case Co.
Glastonbury Knitting Co.

Complete reference list below.

Features references to the following people & locations:


Howard I. Taylor,
Emil L. G. Hohenthal,
Arthur E. Bowers, John Cairns.
J Davenport Cheney, Willard B. Rogers.
Gilbert E. WIllis.
Sanford M. Benton,
Town Clerk and Treas.
Rollin M. Rood,

Alvord, J. A. Groceries, General Store. Manchester Green.
Arnott, Alexander. Attorney at Law. 37 Charter Oak Street. Office, Cheney Block.
Baker Co., L. C. General Concrete Contractors. Tinker Block.
Balch & Brown. Druggists. Depot Square.
Baldwin, Peter A. Carriage and Sign Painter. 367 S. Main St.
Barber & West. Builders and Contractors. Bissell Street.
Bellamy's Garage. Automobile Repairs and Accessories. Main Street, near Middle Turnpike.
Benton, Sanford M. Town Clerk and Treasurer. Residence, 13 Chestnut Street. Office, Hall of Records.
Bieber, William F. Express, General Trucking and Moving. 30 Bissell Street.
Bissell, C. T. Private Residence, 163 Main Street.
Bissell, George A. Coal and Wood. 3 Huntington Street.
Bissell, R. P. General Merchandise, Meats, etc. 49 N. Main St.
Bon Ami Co., The. Manufacturers of Soap, Polish and Cleanser. Hilliard St.
Bowers, H. O. Attorney at Law. Bank Building.
Brink's Cafe. Herman Brink, Proprietor. 17 Oak Street.
Brown, A. L. & Co. Men's Furnishings. 45 Depot Square.
Burke, Harry M. Attorney at Law. 8 Park Street.
Burr, C. R. & Co. The Burr Nurseries. Manchester, Buckland, Durham.
Cairns, John. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. Cairns Building, Main St.
Calhoun, Patrick J. School Committeeman, District No. 3. 75 Oak Grove Street.
Carlson, Chas. J. Doctor of Chiropractic. Odd Fellows Building.
Carlyle Johnson Machine Co., The. Manufacturers Friction Clutches, Marine Reverse Gears and Marine Motors. 20 Main St.
Carney, R. E. Insurance and Real Estate. Hartford Courant Representative. House and Hale Block.
Carrier, B. S. Groceries, Dry Goods and General Store. Highland Pk.
Carter, J. C. Coal. 2 Main Street.
Case Brothers, Inc. Manufacturers Press Papers. Highland Park.
Case Co., The Willard A. Manufacturers of Paper Specialties. Off Oakland Street.
Caverly, L. R. Groceries, Buckland.
Central Market. Stewart Dillon, Proprietor. 34 E. Center St.
Chartier, Paul. Blacksmithing and General Jobbing. Brainard Pl.
Cheney Brothers. Manufacturers Cheney Silks. Hartford Road, Pine, Elm and Forest Streets.
Cheney, John H. Florist. Porter St.
Christensen, H. R. Plumbing. 8 West Center Street.
Citizens' Cash Grocery. O. F. Toop, Proprietor. Groceries and Meats. 197 Main Street.
Cook, Arthur. Manufacturer of Pure Apple Cider and Vinegar, 88 Middle Turnpike.
Connecticut Sumatra Tobacco Co. Buckland.
Cornell, Rev. P. J. O. Pastor Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Emmanuel Church. 28 Church Street.
Cowles Hotel, The. W. J. Griswold, Proprietor. Depot Square.
Dell, Louis. Fine Shoe Repairing. Oak Street, near Circle Theatre.
Depot Square Restaurant. D. P. Shea, Proprietor.
Dewey & Co., A. T. Stationers and Newsdealers. 201 Main Street.
Donnelly, R. J. Fancy Groceries. 10 Cooper Street.
Donohue, Francis. Liquor Dealer. 43 Bissell Street.
Dougherty, P. H. Smokers' Headquarters. 213 Main Street.
Eldridge Street Market, The. Berggren and Anderson, Proprietors. Groceries and Meats. 6 and 10 Eldridge Street.
"Elite" Studio, The. M. Pasternack, Proprietor. 279 Main St.
Elliot, Edward C. Contractor and Builder, 7 Orchard Street.
Elman Brothers. Dry Goods. Johnson Block.
Ferris Brothers. Plumbing and Steam Heating Contractors. Main and Oak Streets.
Flood, W. J. Publisher South Manchester news. 345 Main Street.
Foley's Express. Express, Trucking, Furniture and Piano Moving; Baggage Transferred by Day or Night. 18 Pearl Street.
Ford Garage and Service Station. W. E. Luettgens, Proprietor. 69 Main Street.
Gillam, W. S. Physician and Surgeon. Main and Locust Sts.
Glastonbury Knitting Co., Elstablished, 1855. Hewitt Coburn, President and Assistant Treasurer; Walter S. Coburn, Vice-President.
Glenney & Hultman. Clothing and Furnishings. 241 Main Street.
Goetz's Bakery. Main Street. Fritz Mohr, Manager. Residence, 1 Gorman Place.
Hackett Brothers. Leaf Tobacco. Buckland.
Hale Co., The J. W. Dry Goods and House Furnishings. House and Hale Block. Main Street.
Hand, J. H. Groceries and provisions. 108 Main St.
Hathaway, C. R. Attorney at Law. Park Building.
Hausmann, A. & Sons. Picture Framing, Glazing, Mirrors and Glass. Corner Bissell and Spruce Streets.
Hayes, T. R. Real Estate. Park Building, Main Street.
Herald Printing Co., The. The Manchester Herald. Established, 1881. Evening Herald, 1914. Elwood S. Eln, Pres.; Thos. Ferguson, Sec.; E. H. Crosby, Treas.; L. R. Barker, City Ed. Main and Hilliard Streets.
Hewitt, Thomas. Groceries and provisions. 5 Foster Street.
Hibbard, W. E. Hardware and Stoves. 61 North Main Street.
Hilliard Co., The E. E. Established, 1794. Woolen Manufacturers. Buckland, Adams Street.
Hohenthal, Emil L. G. contractor and Builder. 38 Olcott Street.
Holl, Edward J. Real Estate, Insurance, Auctioneer. Cheney Blk.
Holloran, T. P. Funeral Director. 44 West Center Street.
House, C. E. & Son, Inc. Head to Foot Clothiers. House and Hale Block, Main Street.
Howes, Alfred F. Supt. 1st to 8th Dist. Schools, Manchester and South Windsor. 9 Hudson Street.
Hunniford, William. Groceries. 30 Olcott Street.
Hyde, William S. Attorney at Law. Bank Building.
Johnson, Aaron. Proprietor, Park Hill Grocery. 12 Chestnut Street.
Johnson, Alfred. Ales, Wines, Liquors. 8 Oak Street.
Johnson, S. E. Contractor and Builder, Johnson Avenue.
Johnston, J. H. Restaurant. 215 Main Street.
Jones, F. H. Choice Groceries and Provisions. 15 Main Street.
Kanehl, F. Wm. Real Estate and Building Contractor. 11 Griswold Street.
Keith Furniture Co., The G. E. Complete House Funishers. Purnell Block, 195 Main Street.
Larson, Peter. N. Ales, Wines, Liquors. 19-23 Charter Oak Street.
Lewis, Philip. High Grade Groceries and Provisions. 359 Main St.
Madden Brothers. Motorcycles, Bicycles and Athletic Goods. 341 Main Street.
Magnell News Company. Stationery and Souvenirs, Cigars, Sporting Goods, etc. 305 Main Street.
Mahoney, John. Mason Builder. 20 Maple Street.
Maine, M. M. Dentist. Cheney Block.
Manchester Free Public Library. 72 North Main Street.
Manchester Lumber Co., Inc. West Center and Allen Place.
Manchester Plumbing and Supply Co. Plumbing, Heating and Roofing Contractors, Hardware. 219 Main Street.
Manchester Trust Co., The. Bowers Block.
Manchester, The Savings Bank of. Bowers Block.
Manchester Wall Paper Co. J. F. Sheehan. 529 Main Street.
Martin, Leslie Sherwood. Private Residence, Middle Turnpike.
May, George W. Physician. Cheney Block.
McGurk, Rev. William J. Pastor St. James Church. 180 Main St.
Miner, Mrs. O. D. Millinery. Holl Block.
Moore, D. C. Y. Physician, Chairman Board of Health. 161 Main St.
Morton & Dwyer Co., The. Groceries and General Store. 26 North Main Street.
Morton, R. E. House Painting and Paper Hanging. 3 Hudson St.
Murphy, John E. Adams Express Co.
Nelson's Pharmacy. Odd Fellows Building.
Neilson, Martin. Second Hand Furniture. 85 Spruce Street.
New Model Laundry Co. Sharp Brothers, Proprietors. 24 Summit Street. Office, 221 Main Street.
New Park Market. Fred Chartier, Proprietor. Meats and Groceries. 56 North Main Street.
New Studio, The. J. A. Swenson. Commercial Photographer. Brainard Place.
North Congregational Church. Corner North Main and North Streets.
Oak Grove Dairy. G. H. Sankey, Proprietor. 34 Oakland Street.
Oaks Inn, The. F. V. Phelan, Proprietor. 69 Oakland Street.
O'Connell, M. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Hartman's Block.
O'Connell, P. Cafe. 62 North Main Street.
O'Dowd, Lawrence J. Proprietor, Universal Market. 185 Main St.
Ogden, E. M. Photographer. Odd Fellows Building.
O'Leary, P. J. Bakery and Confectionery. 225 Main Street.
Orford Hotel, The. M. J. Moriarty, Proprietor. 211 Main Street.
Orford Livery and Feed Stable. Archie H. Hayes, Proprietor. 195 Main Street.
Park Garage. Smith Brothers, proprietors. Automobiles and Supplies. Bissell Street, near Main.
Park Hill Flower Shop, The. 533-536 Main Street.
Peterson, A. Pharmacist. Johnson Block.
Pohlmann, Joseph. Cigar Manufacturer. 33 Depot Square.
Quinn & Co., J. H. Dispensing Pharmacists. Main and Oak Sts.
Quish, Thomas. J. Postmaster.
Reed, Robert M. Real Estate and Auctioneer. 73 Main Street.
Reese, P. A. Express and General Trucking. 23 Birch Street.
Rich, Richard G. Insurance Agent. Tinker Building, Main Street.
Richman, Leonard J. Jeweler and Optician. (Repairing.) Established, 1906. 201 Main Street.
Robinson, J. C. Groceries. 137 Main Street.
Rolston, F. A. Flour, grain, Feeds, Baled Hay. 75 West Center St.
Ross, Jessie S., P. M. Manchester Post Office.
Rubinow's Specialty Shop. Ready to Wear Garments for Misses and Children. 287 Main Street.
Schieldge, W. H. Printer. Corner Birch and Spruce Streets.
Scranton, E. S. Teas, Coffees and Spices. 118 Spruce Street.
Schreiber, Gustave. General Contractor and Builder. 180 West Center Street.
Sharp. F. J. Private Residence, 132 North Main Street.
Skinner, A. H. Real Estate Broker, Auctioneer, Life, Fire, Accident and Health Insurance. Bank Building.
Smith, George W. Shoes, Clothing, Men's Furnishings and Hats. Cheney Block.
Smith, William. Waranoke Hotel.
South Manchester Wet Wash Laundry. Frank Hare, proprietor. 26 Maple Street.
South Manchester Free Public Library. Main Street.
Southern New England Telephone Co., The. F. N. Smythman, Exchange Manager. I. O. O. F. Building.
Spencer, Mrs. Dwight. Private Residence, 87 North Main Street.
Stenberg, Charles. Livery and Feed Stables. 10 Eldridge Street, near Main.
Stone, John D. General Contractor. 42 Olcott Street.
Strant, George W. Flour, Grain, Feed. 295 Main Street.
Strickland & Hutchinson. Clothiers and Furnishers. 173 Main Street.
Sullivan, D. J. Signs, Banners and Show Cards. 23 Woodland St.
Sweet, Charles A. Agent for Four Brothers Oil Company. 21 Main Street.
Swenson, J. A. The New Studio between Bissell Street and Brainard Place.
Taylor, F. B. Livery and Sales Stable. 47 Charter Oak Street.
Tiechart, Fred. Farmer. Olcott Street, near Adams.
Thibodeau, D. F. Contractor and Builder. 34 Clinton Street.
Tinker, Wm. R. Physician and Surgeon. Main and Park Streets.
Treat, R. V. Assistant Treasurer Manchester Trust Company. 23 Chestnut Street.
Tryon, Clinton H. Groceries. Odd Fellows Building.
Uncles, William P. Wholesale and Retail Liquors. 34 Maple St.
Valvoline Oil Co. J. F. Cullen, Resident Manager. 3 Foster St.
Veitch, Robert. Express and Trucking. 57 Oak Street.
Verplanck, F. A. Superintendent 9th District School.
Waddell, Miss Ruth. Stenographer. Cooper Hill Street.
Waddell, Thomas. Cement Work and Trucking; General Contractor. 121 Main Street.
Walsh, H. W. Groceries. 12 West Center Street.
Waranoke Barber Shop. R. J. Metcalf, Proprietor. Johnson Block.
Waranoke Inn, The. Henderson Chambers, Proprietor. 183-185 Main Street.
Watkins Brothers, Inc. Furniture and Piano Merchants, Undertakers. Corner Main and School Streets.
Weldon, Thos. H. Physician. 237 Main Street.
Weldon T. & Co. Pharmacists. 235 Main Street.
Whiton, F. H. Physician. 3 Main Street.
Willis, G. E. General Trucking. 46 East Center Street.
Wood, Myrtle B. Clerk Probate Court. Hall of Records.
Wood, Olin R. Attorney at Law; Judge Probate Court.
Woodbridge, A. R. Farmer. Manchester Green.
Woodhouse & Shelton. Choice Groceries and Confectionery. 13 Pine Street.
Zimmerman, J. J. Barber Shop and Pool Room. 50 Birch Street.


Luster Photo Paper

Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.

  • Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
  • Printed using very high resolution source files.
  • Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.

Canvas on Wood Rails

Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
  • USA sourced solid maple wood.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Canvas Gallery Wrap

Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
  • Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.

Framed - Black Finish

Framed - Black Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a black finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.

Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a natural oak finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.
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Made In The USA

Our wall map products are designed and printed on demand by our small team in Seattle, WA using high quality materials and fine art giclee printing.
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