Historic Map - Port Jervis, NY - 1920


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Aero view of Port Jervis, New York 1920.

This reproduction bird's-eye view map of Port Jervis, New York was published by Hughes & Fowler in 1920. Port Jervis is a city in Orange County on the north shore of the Delaware River. The Delaware and Hudson Canal was completed here as the nations first privately owned canal system. Port Jervis was named after canal engineer John Bloomfield Jervis. At the time of this map's publishing the Port Jervis community was a favorite filming locale for D. W. Griffith's and Mack Sennett's film companies. Film stars of the era Lillian Gish, Mary Pickford and Mabel Normand were all filmed in this area.

This aero-view map from 1920 shows buildings, clearly labeled streets, railroad route and air traffic.

The map shows border illustrations of:

First National Bank
Post Office
Free Library
Masonic Hall, Farnum Building
Deer Park Club Building
Elks' Home
City Hall
The New Theater
Swinton & Co.
Rutan Auto Co.
Gazette Publishing Co.
Levin's Department Store
K. of C. Club House
Peck's Hardware Store
Episcopal Church
Reformed Church
First Baptist Church
Lutheran Church
Drew M. E. Church
Presbyterian Church
Sullivan Ave. School
Mountain House School
Church St. School
East Main St. School
Riverside School
Knickerbocker Silver Co.
Gillender Bros. Glass Manufactory
Kattermann & Mitchell Co., Silk Manufacturers
Ignition Co. of America
McCathie & Co.
Sonnenberg Silk Co.
Geo. W. Case Co., Inc.
Marford Silk Co., Inc.
Dimex Malt Extract Co.
Sacred Heart Church
Dunn's Capital Theater

Features numbered references to the following locations:

Geo. E. Hornbeck. Mayor.
Frank B. Raumond. Alderman-at-Large.

James Callahan. First Ward.
S. Emmet Gariss. First Ward.
Wm. Schoonmaker. Second Ward.
Maurice J. Ward. Secon Ward.
Fred H. Porter. Third Ward.
Edw. A. Reynolds. Third Ward.
Chas. J. Coxe. Fourth Ward.
Peter Mager. Fourth Ward.
John F. Cleary. City Clerk and Collector.
Edw. E. Noe. City Treasurer.
Wm. A Parshall. Corporation Counsel.
Wm. H. Nearpass. Justice of the Peace.
Jno. M. Purcell. Assessor.
Thos. J. Bonnell. Com'r of Charities.
Jno. S. Murray. Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Edw. V. Moorehead. Chief of Police.
Howard Wheat. Chief of Fire Dept.
Irving Righter. City Engineer.
LeRoy D. Horn. Supt. Streets and Sewers.

James Gillender. Pres't.
Samuel M. Cuddleback.
John E. Bennett.
Edward W. Mayer.
James A. Wylie.
Arthur H. Naylor.
Supt. of Schools.
L. C. Senger. Clerk.

Wm. N. Tuscano.
D. M. McCathie. 1st Vice President.
F. N. Mason. 2nd Vice President.
D. F. Cock. Treasurer.
K. G. Gunning. Secretary.

James P. Gillen.
Edward Holden. Asst. Postmaster.

  1. City Hall
  2. U. S. Post Office
  3. Free Library
  4. Public Schools
  5. Parochial School
  6. Erie R. R. Station
  7. Deer Park Club Building
  8. Elks' Home
  9. Masonic Hall, Farnum Building
10. National Bank of Port Jervis
11. First National Bank
12. Y. M. C. A. Building
13. K. of C. Club House
The Acorn Stores, Inc.,
Groceries, Front and Fowler Sts.
Hugo S. Adam Co., Manufacturers of Ladies' Undergarments and Negligee Wear, Pike and Main Sts.
E. B. Aumick, Staple and Fancy Groceries. 138 W. Main St.
Bauer's Inn, Chas. Bauer, Prop., opp. Erie Depot
Walter W. Bauer, Representing Standard Oil Co., 41 Barcelow St.
Andrew C. Beirne, Funeral Director, 64 Front St., N. Y. Office, 140 W. 36th St.
Robert Bonnyman, Assistant Superintendent, The Prudential Insurance Co. of America, Farnum Bldg., 116 Pike St.
J. Boss, Steam Vulcanizing, 58 Front St.
LeRoy H. Buccanning, Inc., Pharmacist, The Up-To-Date Drug Store, 113 Pike St.
W. H. Burns, Electrical Contractor, Combination Gas and Electric Fixtures, 52 Front St.
The Candy Kitchen, E. P. Costianes, Prop., Fine Confectionery, 87 Pike St.
T. J. Carty, Ice Cream and Confections, 32 Front St.
George W. Case Co., Inc., Automobiles, Machine Shop and Garage, Auto Livery, 52-56 Jersey Ave.
Charles Chant, Manufacturer of Gloves, Men's Shirts, Ladies' Waists, 29 and 31 Sussex St.
W. B. Chant & Son, Manufacturers of Double Tipped Silk and Fabric Gloves, Hammond and Church Sts.
Church of The Immaculate Conception (St. Mary's), Rev. Edward F. Leonard, Pastor, 46 Ball St.
W. A. Clancy, General Insurance and Real Estate, Room 12, Hubbard Bldg.
J. L. Clune Jr., Painter and Paper Hanger, Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes, Penna. Ave., Matamoras, PA.
Wm. J. Collier & Sons, Funeral Directors, Auto and Ambulance Service, 45-49 Pike St.
Thomas J. Connelly, No. 1 Jersey Ave.
Est. of W. H. Coonrod, Successors to The Deer Park Coal and Lumber Co., 57-63 Jersey Ave., Established 1884
The Corner Grocer, H. H. Dunn, Prop., We lead in Butter, Cheese, Coffees and Teas, Ball and Owen Sts.
H. M. Corwin, Groceries, Confections, Cigars and Tobacco, 3 S. Maple St.
C. J. Coxe, Tri-State Mills, Flour, Feed and Pure Buckwheat Flour
John E. Cuddeback, Farm Products, Kingston Ave.
Cuddeback & Jones, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Farnum Bldg., Pike St.
Dr. W. S. Cuddeback, Front and Sussex Sts.
J. A. Cuff, Coal and Wood, 191 Jersey Ave.
Fred M. Davis, Tobacconist, 117 Pike St.
Delaware Silk Co., Inc., 177-179 Jersey Ave.
Harry B. Denton, General Insurance and Real Estate, 99 Pike St.
K. M. DePuy, KOAL, 91 Jersey Ave.
Graham S. DeWitt, Real Estate and Insurance, 34-36 Front St.
Western Union Telegraph Co., C. H. Diehl, Manager, 26 Jersey Ave.
Dimex Malt Extract Co., Chas. Eichbaum, Distributer, Sussex and Ball Sts.
Sacred Heart Church, Rev. Wm. J. Donohue, Pastor, 12 McAllister St.
C. E. Drohl, Chiropractor, Office, Farnum Bldg.
Swift & Co., J. R. Duffy, Manager, 29-31 Jersey Ave.
Dunn's Capital Theater, Henry H. Dunn, Prop., cor. Ball and Owen Sts.
P. J. Eagan, Haberdasher, 3 Front St.
Chas. Eichbaum, Manufacturer of Celebrated Minisink Club Ginger Ale, cor. Sussex and Ball Sts.
L. B. Eighmy, Willard Storage Battery Service Station, 186 Pike St.
L. C. Fenner, Everything in Musical Merchandise, 36 Front St.
First National Bank, Chas. F. Van Inwegen, President, Fred B. Post, Cashier, cor. Sussex and Ball Sts.
J. A. Fisher, Insurance and Real Estate, 68 Pike St.
Frederick D. Fowler, Real Estate and Insurance, 89 Pike St.
Dr. C. B. Frawley, Dentist, 77 Pike St.
Fullerton & Parshall, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Hubbard Bldg.
Estate of Thomas A. Gannon, Clothing and Furnishings, 5-7 Front St.
S. E. Gariss, General Merchandise, 185 W. Main St.
The Evening Gazette, The most widely read newspaper in this section, Pike and Ball Sts.
The Gazette Publishing Co., Daniel F. Cock, General Manager, Commercial and Law printing, Pike and Ball Sts.
The Weekly Gazette, Reaches the better class of people in four Counties.
George's Restaurant, George Hankins, Prop., Pike and Ball Sts.
James P. Gillen, Dealer in Coal and Charcoal, 95 Jersey Ave.
Gillender Bros., Glass Manufacturers, Erie and Liberty Sts.
Gregg & Feuchs, Attorneys, Hubbard Bldg.
Geo. A. Hammond, D. D. S., 35 Front St.
J. B. Hamilton, Automobile Bidies and Tops, Auto Painting a Specialty, 99 Front St., 56 Jersey Ave.
George J. Happ, Baker, 180 Pike St.
Joseph Hassler, Tin and Sheet Metal Works, Auto Guards, Radiators and Lamps Repaired, 5 1/2 Ball St.
Charles Hedrick, Barber, 181 Pike St.
W. W. Hendrickson, Contractor and Builder, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Mill Work, Inside Trim, 5 Orchard St.
Wm. Hjorth, Picture Frames and Framing a Specialty, 167 Pike St.
Hoffman & Schoonmaker, Paints, Wall Papers and Painters' Supplies, 8 Sussex St.
J. S. Holden Lumber Corporation, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers, Hubbard Bldg.
Holmes Music House, Inc., F. E. Weale, Manager, Pianos, Players, Victrolas, Phonographs and Grafonolas, Musical Merchandise, 75 Pike St.
Holmes & Van Inwegen, Furniture, Ruggs and Interior Decorations, Front and Sussex Sts.
Geo. E. Hornbeck, Tobacconist, 8 Front St.
Hotel Mitchell, A. E. Powers, Prop., Fowler St. and Jersey Ave.
Fred J. Huegle, Fine Footwear, 170-172 Pike St.
Hyatt-Johnson Tire Co., Retreading and Vulcanizing, 9 Jersey Ave.
Ignition Co. of America, Prospect and Neversink Ave., 60 Broadway, New York
A. Isac, Garage, Fowler and Franklin Sts.
Nathaniel Jackson, Real Estate, Farm Properties, Lake and River Fronts, Timber Tracts, Game Preserves. Country Estates a Specialty, 89 Orange St.
Richard Jeffries, Dentist, 57 Pike St.
J. H. Johnson, Dentist, Hubbard Bldg.
Johnson & Parks, Furniture, Rugs, Wall Paper, Stoves, Phonographs, 92 Pike St.
R. Jordan & Co., Dry Goods and Ladies' Wearing Apparel, 119-23 Pike St. Established 1874
J. Edwin Kadel, Dentist, 139 Pike St.
Otto B. Kadel, Bicycles and Motor Cycles, 20 Fowler St.
Kattermann & Mitchell Co., Silk Manufacturers, James A. Wylie, Supt., Church St.
Dr. C. N. Knapp, 14 Ball St.
Knickerbocker Silver Co., Manufacturers, Silver Plate, Wm. N. Tuscano, Pres., Erie and Liberty Sts.
Kinney Bros. & Co., Inc., Home of Made Smart Clothes, Hats and Men's Furnishings, 7 Jersey Ave.
H. Koenig, Choice Groceries and Provisions, 134 Jersey Ave.
Gus Krauss, Photographer, Cameras & Photographic Supplies
Edwin T. Laidley, Books and Stationery, Periodicals, 107 Pike St.
B. J. Leahy, Physician, 151 Pike St.
Liberty Steam Vulcanizing Works, J. Boss, Prop., Expert Tire and Tube Repairing, 58 Front St.
Levins Department Store, 19-21-23 Front St.
The Little Jewelry Store Around The Corner, E. Fisher, Prop.
J. C. Louis, Souvenir Post Cards, Confectionery, Fancy Fruit, Tobacco and Cigars, opp. Erie Depot
Lyon's Shoe Shop, Footwear of the Better Kind, F. H. Lyon, Prop., 82 Pike St.
L. H. McAllister, Physician, Farnum Bldg.
McCathie Co., Manufacturers of Women's Muslin Underwear, Church and Hammond Sts.
Willton D. McCombs, Real Estate & Insurance, 26 1/2 Front St.
S. G. McDonald, Plumbing, Heating and Awnings, 167 W. Main St.
E. Mackey & Co., Inc., Successors to Dr. L. M. Jones. Druggists, 99-103 Pike St.
Main Street Garage, Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks, Franklin "Air Cooled" Cars, Storage, Repair Work, Service Cars, Tires and Accessories, Taxi Service, cor. E. Main and W. Main, Pike and Orange Sts.
E. H. Marion, Cigar Manufacturer, 247 E. Main St.
Marford Silk Co., Inc., Matamoras, PA
The Mason Drug Co., Inc., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Stationery, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, 57 Pike St.
Edward W. Mayer, Manufacturer, Cut Glassware, 35 Erie St.
R. F. Medrick, Physician, Office, 8 Ball St.
Thomas Merritt, Port Jervis Real Estate Exchange, 125 Pike St.
Peter Miller, Jeweler and Optometrist, 10 Front St.
Arthur Morgan, Chiropractor, 158 Pike St.
J. J. Mills, Dentist, 114 Pike St. Since 1882
R. C. MoWitt, Prescription Pharmacist, 119 Pike St.
L. V. Murrian, Veterinary Surgeon, 37 Pike St.
Emmett Myers, Messenger, 128 Front St.
The National Bank of Port Jervis, Dr. W. L. Cuddeback, Pres., cor. Front and Sussex Sts.
Neversink Auto Supply, Geo. Sauer, Prop., Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Soft Drinks and Post Cards, 249-53 E. Main St.
The New Theater, James H. Sweeney, Prop. and Mgr., Pike and Sussex Sts., near Hammond
The New York Fish, Fruit and Vegetable Market Exchange, Hoenig Bros., Props., Pike and Front Sts.
Joseph A. Noll, Dentist, 19 Elizabeth St.
Park Hotel, F. J. Keane, Prop., E. Main and Pike Sts.
Peck's Hardware Store, Charles I. Peck Jr., Prop., Hardware, Plumbing and Heating, 43 Front St.
Peck's, F. A. Peck, Prop., Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Toys, Novelties, Office Supplies, 94 Pike St.
Pike Street Garage, J. C. Ollear, Prop., Auto Repairing of every description, Distr. Hupmobile and Vim Trucks, General Auto Machinists, 179-181 Pike St.
Port Jervis Dairy Co., Pure Milk, Cream, and all Dairy Products, 21 W. Main St.
Port Jervis Garage, F. H. Nicholson, Prop., Oakland and Studebaker Cars, cor. Ball and Sussex Sts.
Port Jervis Steam Laundry, J. J. West, Mgr., 25 Prospect St.
Albert T. Porter, Dry Goods, Groceries and Crockery, 35 Front St.
Fred H. Porter, Undertaker, 126 Pike St.
German Lutheran Evangelical Church, Rev. F. A. Posselt, 49 Sussex St.
George A. Post, Contractor and Builder, Shop, Sussex St., Residence, 70 Hudson St.
John M. Purcell, Real Estate and Insurance, 74 Front St.
Colonel Quick, Florist, Matamoras, PA
F. B. Raymond, Architect and Builder, Manufacturer and Dealer in Concrete Blocks, Penna. Ave. and Barcelow St.
The Raymond One-Yard Gravity End Dump, Spreader and General Utility Body, F. B. Raymond, Inventor and Builder
Reagen's Shoe Store, D. F. Reagen, Prop., Up-to-date foot wear for men, women and children, 40 Front St.
G. J. Reulling, Meat and Provision Market, Pike St. opp. Front St.
Gilbert Rhodes, Carpenter, 80-82 Hudson St.
Rogan Bros., Meat Market, 152 W. Main St.
Walter Rosenkrans Co., Lackawanna and Pittston Coal, Lumber and Building Materials, 31 to 45 Jersey Ave.
John Ruggeri, California Fruits, 27 Front St.
Rutan Auto Co., Automobile Garage and Machine Shop, 46-48 Front St., 33 Ball St.
Sargent & Denner, Cloaks, Suits & Dry Goods, 22 Front St., 5 Sussex St.
H. Schafransky & Son, Men's and Boys' Outfitters, 15 Front St.
Schoonover & Caskey, Wearing Apparel for Men and Boys, Pike and Front Sts.
Dr. C. N. Skinner, Physician and Surgeon, Hubbard Bldg.
C. H. Smith, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware, 58 Front St.
S. Wallace Smith, Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers' Articles, Pool Parlor attached, 71 Pike St.
Edgar Snook, Commercial Printer, 222 E. Main St.
Samuel J. Sonnenberg Silk Co., Manufacturer of Broad Silks, Jersey Ave. and E. Main St.
Stanton Auto Sales Co., Authorized Ford Dealers, 78 Front St.
Geo. Startup Sr., Painter and Paperhanger, Auto Painting a Specialty, Sign Painting, Furniture Refinished, 89 Jersey Ave.
Whitney & Denton Stevens, Importers and Retailers, Dry Goods, 66-68 Pike St.
A. H. Still, Photographer, Enlargements, Picture Frames, Development and Printing for Amateurs, Kodaks and Films, 76 Pike St.
Dr. H. B. Swartwout, Physician and Surgeon, 17 Sussex St.
Swinto & Co., Port Jervis Stove Works, Heating & Plumbing, Engineers, Jobbers of Hardware, Manufacturers of "Quick Time" Stoves and Ranges, 45-49 Front St., 47-60 Jersey Ave.
The Taynton Auto Co., Inc., Dealers in Automobiles, Supplies and Accessories, Garage and Machine Shop, Automobile Painting, 40 and 42 Pike St., Phone 316-W
The Terwilliger-Woolsey Co., Funeral Directors, Furniture, Carpets and Shades, 41 Front St., New York Office, 14 E 39th St.
R. Grant Thorpe, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, 24 Front St.
John J. Toth, Plumbing and Steam Fitting, Stoves, Ranges and Repairing, 7-9 Sussex St.
Tri-States Battery Service Station, E. C. Frahn, Prop., 29 Front St.
Up-Town Market, F. H. Northrup, 194 Pike St.
H. R. Van Inwegen, Groceries, 38 Church St.
C. J. Van Inwegen, Groceries, 174-76 Front St.
Charles Van Sickle, Optometrist, 79 Pike St.
E. Van Sickle, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician, 62 Pike St.
Ben Villani, Billiard Room, 110 Pike St.
Innocenc Vluka, Stationery and Confectionery, 187 Pike St.
C. W. Vollmer, The Most Sanitary Tonsorial Parlor in the City, 6 Front St.
Von Berg's Hotel and Restaurant, Open Day and Night, 11 and 13 Front St.
West End Market, Weigel Bros., Props., 149 W. Main St.
E. S. Westbrook & Son, Building Materials, Painters' Supplies, 10-12 Sussex St.
Frank S. Wollmer, Choice Meats and Vegetables, 73 Pike St.
John M. Yeager, Real Estate and Insurance, Saves you average of 15% on Fire Insurance, 62 Pike St.
Port Jervis Y. M. C. A., Dr. H. B. Swartwout, Pres., C. H. Turner, Secy., 104 Pike St.


Archive Paper

Archive Paper

Premium fine art paper that provides accurate color reproduction with high-contrast, high-resolution print output and maximum image permanence. A high-quality print ready for framing.

  • Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
  • Ultra smooth, neutral white matte finish.
  • Heavy-weight 230 gsm, 9.5 mil thickness.
  • Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Luster Photo Paper

Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.

  • Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
  • Printed using very high resolution source files.
  • Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.

Canvas on Wood Rails

Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
  • USA sourced solid maple wood.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Canvas Gallery Wrap

Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
  • Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.
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