Reproduction panoramic view of Bowling Green, Ohio published by Burleigh & Norris in 1888. Bowling Green was incorporated as a town in 1855. Oil was later discovered here, setting Bowling Green into motion to expand. Much land swapping of the main corridor enabled building to begin of a new western town including fifty to one hundred buildings. On August 4, 1887 much of those plans ceased when a quarter of the new business district was destroyed by fire. Building began again, but one year later another fire destroyed that work. That fire on October 31, 1888, destroyed the Sentinel Block, C. C. Ross' Hotel, Emerine & McCauley's hotel and livery, F. N. Griffith's store and Mrs. James Smith's opera house, among other sites.
The map features left bottom illustration of the "West End".
The map includes clearly labeled street names with lively scenes of railroad, carriage and pedestrian traffic. Complete reference list below. Features numbered references to the following locations: 1. Court House 2. Town Hall 3. Opera House 4. Baptist Church 5. Methodist Church 6. Presbyterian Church 7. United Brethren Church 8. Disciples Church 9. Catholic Church 10. Post Office 11. High and Graded Schools 12. R. R. Stations 13. Exchange Bank 14. Exchange Block 15. Ross House 16. Russell House 17. Union Hotel 18. Wood County Sentinel 19. Daily and Weekly Gazette 10. Wood County Democrat 20. Hankey, Cole & Co., Real Estate 3. S. Case, Real Estate 18. Abbott & McPherson, Real Estate 20. Benschoter Bros., Law Real Estate & Insurance 18. Black & Reese, Real Estate 20. J. L. Wolfley, Real Estate, Delaware, O. 20. Hankey & Potter, Clothing, Gents Furnishings and Tailoring 3. New York Clothing House, S. Case, Prop. 21. Roath & Co., Dry Goods, Carpets, Boots & Shoes 21. S. L. Boughton, City Dry Goods Store 23. Smith & VanBuren, Fancy Groceries, Crockery and Glassware 24. Lincoln & Underwood, Drugs, Fancy Goods and Wall Paper 25. Chas. Rogers, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass and Groceries 26. Bolles & Manville, Drugs, Fancy Goods and Wall Paper 27. Miller & Chapman, Groceries, Provisions, Meats and Bakery 28. Cristoph Lehmann, Meat Market, Wholesale and Retail 29. F. Kabig, Wholesale and Retail Meat Market 18. J. W. Derby, Boots, Shoes and Harnesses 30. Huber & Co., Boots and Shoes 31. L. Boughton, Mfr. and Dealer, Harnesses, Whip Nets, Robes and Blankets 32. A. V. Powell, Horse Shoe Restaurant, 4 Main St. 15. Fockler & Nelson, Barber Shop 33. Brown & Mathews, Contractors & Builders 34. Henry Roth, Blacksmith and Wagon Shop 35. Victor Ponchea, Bottling Works 30. Lincoln Block 36. Gaghan Block 20. Hankey Block 24. J. C. Lincoln, Physician and Surgeon 37. D. W. H. Day, Attorney 38. Canastota Glass Co., Limited, Window Glass 39. The Lythgoe Glass Co., Bottles & Fruit Jars 40. The Crystal City Glass Co., Bottles & Prescription Ware 41. The Buckeye Novelty Glass Works 42. J. R. Hankey, Planing Mill & Lumber Yard 43. Cramer & Reider, Union Flouring Mills 13. Dunn & Harrington, Attorneys & Abstracters 13. F. A. Baldwin, Attorney 44. Cook & Troup, Attorneys at Law 20. Nearing & James, Lawyers 45. R. S. Parker, Attorney at Law, Prosecuting Attorney for Wood County 25. Ira C. Taber, Attorney 31. Andrew J. Mears, Attorney 46. R. C. Wilson, Attorney 47. John B. Wilson, Auditor Wood County 30. Giles & Cole, Attorneys 26. Taber & Yonker, Dentists 48. Earl W. Merry, Residence 49. Rev. J. H. Palmer, Residence 50. A. Froney, Residence 51. S. Case, Residence 52. N. Reed, Residence 53. J. R. Hankey, Residence 54. Guy C. Nearing, Residence 55. G. W. Gaghan, Residence 56. Cristoph Lehmann, Residence 24. J. C. Lincoln, M. D., Residence 57. Jas. McPherson, Residence 58. B. L. Abbot, Residence 59. W. P. Brewer, Residence 60. F. A. Baldwin, Residence A. B. C. Eberly, Eberly's Grove Addition B. J. M. Grims' Addition C. Natural Gas Wells D. Machine Shop E. Lime Kilns F. Public Park G. Cemetery H. Iron Works |