Historic Map - Meriden, CT - 1918
Reproduction print of a historic map of Meriden, CT in 1918. Known as the "Silver City" due to the prevalence of cutlery manufacturers and related products. Noted on the map and shown in inset illustrations are companies such as International Silver and Meriden Cutlery.
Also featured prominently on the map is the Charles Parker Co. factory, notable as an important company in the town of Meriden. Founded in 1832, by Charles Parker and his younger brother, with starting capitol of $70.00, the company manufactured a wide array of products, including printing presses, steam engines, train wheels and piano stools. Parker's Meriden Machine Company contracted with the Union Army during the Civil War, producing 10,000 repeating rifles and 15,000 Springfield Rifles. In 1868, Charles and his sons, Wilbur, Charles and Dexter founded the Parker Brothers Gun Co., which continued production until it was purchased by the Remington Arms Company in 1934.
The site of Hubbard Park is shown in the distance, still a popular recreation spot for locals. Walter Hubbard, president of the Bradley & Hubbard Manufacturing Company donated the land in the Hanging Hills for the park. He enlisted the aid of famous landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, designer of New York's Central Park. Hubbard had a tower built on the East Peak of Hanging Hills, dedicated in 1900, the "Castle Craig" was built to resemble a 12th century tower built by the Turks along the Danube River. The park is said to be haunted by the ghostly presence of the "Black Dog of Hanging Hills", a supernatural dog that leaves no footprints and makes no sound, which has been part of local folklore since the early 1800's. Sighting the dog for the first time is said to bring good fortune, the second sighting is said to bring bad luck, and the third sighting brings death. Reports of Black Dog sightings continue to circulate today.
Inset illustrations include:
Post Office
Curtis Memorial Library
High School
State Armory
Home Club
Elks Home
Industrial Building
Town Hall
First Congregational Church
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
Pequod Business School
"Castle Craig"
East Grammar School
School Recreation Beach
The M. B. Schenck Co.
International Silver Co.
Manning, Bowman & Co.
The Miller Brothers Cutlery Co.
The Meriden Gravure Co.
The Charles Parker Co.
Connecticut Telephone & Electric Co., Inc.
Meriden Cutlery Co.
The Immich Co.
G. R. Cummings
The W. F. Miller Co.
The Wilcox & White Co.
The Bradley & Hubbard Manufacturing Co.
Edward Miller & Co.
Foster, Merriam & Co.
The Morehouse Bros. Co.
C. E. Schunack
The L. Suzio Construction Co.
The August Schmelzer Co.
William T. Woolley Sons.
R. L. Baldwin
The J. Lacourciere Co.
The Griswold, Richmond & Glook Co.
First National Bank
Home National Bank
The H. T. Smith Express Co.
Complete reference list below.
Features references to the following locations:
Armstrong Mfg. Co., Inc. C. G. Mfrs. Jewelry Novelties, 80 South Vine Street.
Bailey's Laundry and Carpet Cleaning Co., 102 Crown Street.
Bailey's Store. Painting and Decorating, Hardware, Garden Seeds, Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes and Wall Paper, 83-85 West Main Street.
Baldwin, R. L. Flour, Grain and Feed, 23 North George Street.
Barber's Drug Store. Willis N. Barber, Proprietor, Druggist and Pharmacist, Stationer and Newsdealer, 298 East Main Street.
Brodeur & Lynch Co., The. Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, 176-178 Pratt St.
Brown, J. E. Retailer in Harness, Leather Goods, Carriage and Auto Robes, 73 East Main Street.
Caldwell Company, The. Wholesale Confectionery, 49 State Street.
Central Pharmacy. Victor W. Schmelzer, Proprietor, Rexall Remedies, 17 East Main St.
Chalker & Fenn. Makers of and Dealers in Carriages, Wagons, Auto Robes, 52 Mill Street.
Church & Morse. General Hardware, 8 West Main Street.
City Savings Bank. 14 West Main Street.
Connecticut Breweries Co., The. M. F. Sullivan, Asst. Mgr., 137-157 South Colony St.
Connecticut Telephone & Electric Co., Inc., The. Manufacturers of Telephones and Electric Goods, 70 Britannia Street.
Cooke, Joseph A., M. D., 50 East Main St.
Cox, Charles H., M. D. Corrigan, Manager, Wearing Apparel, 9 Colony Street.
Corrigan, M. A., Manager Chas. H. Cox, Dry Goods Store, 9 colony Street.
Crescent Company, Inc., The. Wholesale High Grade Mechanics' Tools, 125 State Street.
Cummings, G. R. Slate, Gravel, Felt, Asbestos Shingles and Tile Roofing, 198 State Street.
Dolego Bros. Photo Studio, 10 Colony Street.
Doolittle, E. J. Paper Box Manufacturers, 31, 33 and 35 Camp Street.
Donovan, J. F. Chief Meriden Fire Dept., 61 Pratt Street.
First National Bank. 14 West Main Street.
Flatow, Albert. Undertaker and Funeral Director, 57 West Main Street.
Foster, Merriam & Co., Manufacturers of Casters, Draw Pulls, Furniture Trimmings, Cabinet Hardware, Brass and Iron Founders. 31 Cross Street.
Gardner, A. H. & I. I. Real Estate and Insurance, 15 Colony Street.
Gartner, Fred. Manufactuer of Havana and Domestic Cigars. Maker of "Castle Craig" 5c Cigar, 9 Veteran Street.
Gumprecht, P. C. All kinds of Insurance. Morse & Cook Bldg.
Griswold, Richmond & Glock Co., The. Manufacturers, Jobbers, Dealers, Hardware, Cutlery, Auto Accessories, House Furnishers, Metal Workers, Furnaces, Ranges, Crockery, Classware. 2 West Main Street.
Harmon, J. M. Manager, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Factory N. Pratt Street.
Hartmann, Geo. Fine Chocolates and Bon Bons, Pure Ice Cream and Ices, 46 East Main Street.
Hassett Coal Company. 352 West Main Street.
Helmschmied, Carl V. The Helmschmied Studio, 397 West Main Street.
Hirschfeld, Otto G. Wood Engraver, 4 West Main Street.
Holden, Joseph W. Superintendent, Board of Public Works. City Engineer, Town Hall.
Home National Bank. 18 Colony Street.
Horton Printing Co., The. Printers and Bookbinders, 21 Church Street.
Immich Company, The. Contractors and General Teaming, State Street opposite Freight Depot.
International Silver Company. Silversmiths and Makers of every Description of Silverware. General offices, 48 State Street.
Kay, James T. Plumbing and Steam Fitting, 127 State Street.
Kelsey Press Company. Manufacturers of Printing Presses and Specialties, 62 South Colony Street.
Lacourciere Co. J., The. House Painting, Paper Hanging and Decorating, 55 Grove Street.
Lane Construction Corp., The. 35 Colony Street.
Lange, August L. Stationery, Cigars, News Depot, 15 East Main Street.
Lewis, S. C. Wood Turning and Scroll Sawing, 14 Mill Street.
Little, Somers & Hyatt Co. Painters and Decorators, Artists Materials, Wall Papers, Painters Supplies, Window Shades. Sign Painting a Specialty, 67 East Main Street.
Lohman & Sons, Geo. H. Wood Engravers, 10 West Main Street.
Manning, Bowman & Company. Manufacturers Coffee Percolators, Chafing Dishes and Accessories, Hotakold Vacuum Vessels. Vacuum Specialty Co., Manufacturers, Pratt, corner Miller Street.
Meriden Chamber of Commerce. W. A. Schenck, President. H. N. Clark, Secretary, Pacific Block, 33 State Street.
Meriden Cutlery Company. Manufacturers Table Cutlery, South Meriden.
Meriden Daily Journal. Journal Publishing Co., Crown, Corner Perkins Street.
Meriden Jewelry Manufacturing Co., Artistic Jewelry and Novelties. W. F. Lally, Manager. 45 Pratt Street.
Meriden Morning Record. The Republican Publishing Co., 15 Crown Street.
Meriden Trust & Safe Deposit Co., 14 West Main Street.
Merklinger, M. C. Manufacturer of Domestic Cigars, corner Britannia and Colony Streets.
Merriam Pattern & Model Works, The. All kinds of Metal and small Wood Patterns, 31 Fowler Avenue.
Mezzanetti, Cesare. Mason and General Contractor, 159 State Street.
Miller Bros. Cutlery Co., The. Manufacturers of Fine Pocket Cutlery, Steel Pens and Erasers, 464 Pratt Street.
Miller & Co., Edward. Manufacturers of Gas and Electric Fixtures, Kerosene Lamps and Fixtures, 99 Center Street.
Miller, Lewis A. Building Contractor, 22 Church Street.
Miller Company, W. F., The. General Contractors, Carpenters and Masons, 100 Britania Street.
Mills Company, F. The. Real Estate and Insurance, Mortgages, Rents, 10 Colony Street.
Miner, Read & Tullock. Wholesale Grocers, 138-142 State Street.
Morehouse Bros. Co., The. Manufacturers Builders Finish, 24 Miller Street.
Moskowitz, I. Furniture, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Perkins and 42 South Colony Streets.
New Method Wet Wash Laundry, The. C. R. Greenough, Proprietor, 35 Norwood Street.
Neveu, Arthur. Real Estate and Insurance, 35 Colony Street.
Oefinger, Edward J. Assistant Superintendent Miller Bros. Cutlery Co., 217 Sherman Avenue.
Oefinger, Elias. Manufacturer "Diamond Brand" Chromatic Pitch and Tuning Pipes, Office and Works. Britannia Street.
Page & Pardee. Insurance and Real Estate, 11 Colony Street.
Palmer & Lanouette. Electrical Contractors, Electric Fixtures, 20 State Street.
Parker Co., Charles, The. Manufacturers of The Parker Lamps, Gas and Electric Fixtures, Coffee and Spice Mills, Offices 48 Elm Street.
Parker Bros. Fire Arms Manufacturers (Shot Guns), 26 Cherry Street.
Parker Clock Company, The. Manufacturers of Clocks, 600 West Main Street.
Pequod Business School, Inc., The. 33 West Main Street.
Pierson, S. C. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, 35 Colony Street.
Puritan Trust Company, Inc., The. C. E. Schunack, President, 27 East Main Street.
Reed House Furnishing Co., Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, 7 Colony Street.
Remo Manufacturing Co., The. Manufacturers Laundry Pins, Tags, Brass Goods, Charles Street near Broad Street.
Roberts, D. J. Coal and Wood, 535 North Colony Street.
Rogers & Co., H. G. Real Estate and Insurance, Bonds, Loans, 3 Colony Street.
Schenck Co., M. B., The. Manufacturers High Grade Casters for Furniture and Trucks, Britannia and Center Streets.
Schmeizer Company, August, The. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, Coal, Wood, Charcoal and Coke. Yards at Cooper Street Railroad Crossing.
Schmeizer Company, August, The. Wholesale Tobacconist, 15 East Main Street.
Schneider, Rev. N. S. Pastor St. Mary's Rectory, Sherman Plance near Church Street.
Schunack, C. E. Manufacturer Paper Boxes, Polished Wood Cases and Silverware Chests, 24 Randolph Avenue.
Shaw Studio, The. Photography, Wilcox Block.
Silver City Cut Glass Co. Manufacturers Rich, Real, Cut Glass, 123 Hicks Street.
Smith Express Co., H. T., The. City Express and General Teaming, Storage Warehouse, State corner Camp Street.
Star Ice Company, The. W. E. Ives, Proprietor, Pure Ice, 53 Mill Street.
Squire Co., W. H., The. Insurance, 37 Colony Street.
St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Reverend John T. Lynch, Pastor, W. Main between Goodwill and Lewis Avenues.
St. Rose's R. C. Church. Rev. John Neale, Pastor, 35 Center Street.
St. Stanislaus R. C. Church. Rev. John Louis Cepa, Pastor, 82 Akron Street.
Suzio Construction Co., L., The. General Contracting and Mason Supplies, 98 State Street.
Taylor, Chas. S. Plumbing, Heating and Supplies, 64 East Main Street.
Thompson, W. H. Manufacturer High Grade Chocolates and Bon Bons, 21 Colony Street.
Tillinghast Silver Co. Manufacturers Hollow Handle Sterling Silver Novelties, 23 Randolph Avenue.
Treiber, Joseph I. Cafe and Bottling Works, 507 North Colony Street.
Wheeler & Son, Frank. Player Piano Hardware, Special Machinery and Supplies, Stone near State Street.
Wheeler Co., W. W., The. Photo Engravers, 191 Hanover Street.
Wilcox & White Co., Manufacturers, The. Angelus Player Piano, no other equal to or like it, Cambridge and Griswold Streets.
Woolley Sons, Wm. T. Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Sewing Machines and Ranges. 287-289 Center Street.
Wuterick, Fred. Wholesale Dealer and Bottler, 208 State Street.
Westwood, Frederick W. Picture Frames and Pictures, 71 East Main Street.
Ye Camera and Gift Shop. Meriden Photo Supply Co., F. H,. Lowe, Manager, 40 West Main Street.
Ye 1711 Club Inn. W. H. A. Maynard, Manager, 677 North Colony Street.
Zick, J. Custom Tailor, Room 11, Wilcox Block, 30 Colony Street.
Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.
- Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
- Printed using very high resolution source files.
- Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.
Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
- USA sourced solid maple wood.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
- Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.
Framed - Black Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.
- Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
- Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
- Solid wood frame with a black finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
- Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.
Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.
- Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
- Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
- Solid wood frame with a natural oak finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
- Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.

Made In The USA

School Purchase Orders